The Revd Juliette Hulme

Getting in touch

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    St John’s Parish Office is located in the Hinton Hall, adjacent to the car park to the west of the church. The office is not open at regular times, but your church-related enquiries can be dealt with by email and telephone. This includes the arrangement of special services such as weddings, funerals and baptisms. You can read more about these here.

    Please feel free to telephone Canon Judy Anderson, the Parish Administrator direct on 01747 873142.  Alternatively, you can use the form above or send an email to

    Googlemap cropped but not to 1k by 1k

    The address for the Parish Office is:

    St John’s Parish Office, Hinton Hall, Church Street, Tisbury, Salisbury SP3 6NH


    The address of the church is:

    St John the Baptist, Church Street, Tisbury, Salisbury, SP3 6NH

    The church is normally open during the day until 4pm.

    The grid reference of the church is: ST 94398 29122